Lets start on a HOT note, shall we? I have never followed the "Curly girl method," and even worse, I haven't even read all the way through it....
There.... I said it and I tell all my guest who ask, the same !
You want to know why?? Because many moons ago it had it's purpose. Being the bible to curly girls when the world of hair products and brands rejected us. Enforcing that it was just frizz that needed to be smoothed out and maintained that way.
While variations of the method had been in use before then, in 2001 it was introduced to a wider audience by hairstylist Lorraine Massey. Thus DevaCurl was born, and then sold...
Now in 2020 we have so much new found knowledge in our curly hair and we have a ton of brands dying to have us as their clients !
I am a curly specialist at The Salon of Ulta Beauty at the Northdale Promanade in Tampa, FL, and I am also a curlfriend myself. I have had curly hair my whole life but circling back to being "conditioned" to smooth these locks out, no pun intended. It wasn't until I became a stylist that I set out to understand "curly hair."
I am on my second curly journey and the bounce back was wayyyy faster this go around! I did do a small chop, not a big chop, but it was done none the less and the rest was for me to nurture back to health.
A little over a year later and I am almost at ultimate curl health, to the best of my knowledge. It could get curlier ! But as of right now I have a few limp curls that once they grown out and get trimmed off, I am confident I will have a great bit of bounce in my curl !!

Follow through the letters, the story has a flow.
These general dos and don'ts are for ALL curlfriends. From Coily 4C to wavy 2A and any varying letter and number in between. If you are nursing or maintaining your curls in good health, add these 12 or so points to your routine and call me in the morning.
Follow through the letters, the story has a flow.

I am soo guilty of keep my hair tied back and out of my face but from time to time you have to let it go and let it breath. Tied and tight can cause tension around the scalp and hair lined keeping the roots tugged at, and gravity always wins, it will then fall out.
So the wrong way would be rough, rushed, and w(r)ong ! This can cause breakage, thinning and more damage than good. If you wait to long to ever brush it, you might just have to do the above but again, but just take your time curlfriend.
C1. ONLY cowash
Conditioning wash, is what that stands for. But stop and think "What is in conditioner?" CREAM, what is in cream? Oil. And last... water and oil don't mix. BOOM blew your mind. I am soo down for conditioning these locs. But first; not every curl type can handle it, thus back peddling on what The Method otherwise tells you. Second, if you layer and layer that oil on, your hair can't function.
yes I know grandmas mayonnaise mask supposedly works wonders, and apple cider vinegar rinse gives us that shine. But hair and everything that goes into it is made up of a science. There is a thing called the pH scale and when the pH is too low or too high it can cause irreversible damage. If you really can't control the poison power brewing in you, head over to your local pool supply store to pick up a ph kit.
Just don't do it, it only hurts you. Curls are 3Dimensional and if you slap on your products, your going to look like it. Like you just got slapped.
Your hair is weakest when wet, hence why we don't rip through it when we brush it after the shower. So while you sleep you either leave it down and toss around in bed... adding friction to your hair OR worse you tie it up tight on top of your head. NOW, you are adding tension to your hair line, those little hairs that never go up with your buns...yup that's where they come from. LAST and definitely least you can cause fungus to harvest underneath all of that.

Ohh baby after a long day, finally down for bed, getting out my scalp scratcher and going to town is where I want to be. Sometimes I sneak a rub down in the shower, with my scalp scrub, and other times after and only after my 3rd day, I'll let my fiance rub my scalp til I fall asleep. Because good circulation is what is going to be the power source to healthy hair growth.
there's is a misguidance with curly hair not being cool with brushes. Like what ?? What do you think gets the knots out, and keeps our locs from locking !? Yes hunny it is okay to take a brush to that mane, but proceed with caution there is such a thing of doing it the wrong way. Start at the bottom, take it in sections, and work through those knots nicely.
Do all the layering your heart desires but no body has to know your secret. Because you my friend get that hair squeaky clean for the new week, and you don't skip a beat. Strip out your cream on cream with coconut oil sealed with oil...out for a fresh application. Doing so will allow your hair to breath and function with styling products and longevity.
This is where you can have fun ! Like shoes you need a whole wardrobe for different occasions. Think the same with your mask selection. You got some that will repair damage, others that will retain color and most that will give it nourishment. ALL are great, but it might take some trial and error to find the right fit based on your needs. Remember, have fun!
Part your hair, use the products one two and three annndd repeat. Even if you air dry, take your time to assure that for the next couple of days your hair is going to look its best, because you took the time to do it.
Silk wrap, hair tie, and or pillow cases. Why silk? Because it is so soft against your locs, promoting great hair for the next day! I wrote another article where I went in depth about the difference between silk and satin if you are curious.